Sherman is one of those guys that I truly have respect for and look up to. Over the past years of being with Christa, he has provided an example of what a gentleman should be like. He is the model of how a man should pursue a girl. He treated Christa like she was more precious than diamonds. He continues to amaze me with his creatively and uniqueness of how he displays his love for Christa.
I cannot count the times I would see Christa’s face light up every time she sees Sherman.
He is an answer to many prayers. God had it planned all along.
He reminds me of what I need to pray for in my future spouse. He reminds me of what commitment is. He reminds me of what pure and true love looks like. He reminds me of what it means to be pursued. He reminds me to always put Christ first.
I’m so thankful and glad that Christa’s new roommate is Sherman…even if he is a boy.