Today I came back from a short trip to the beautiful country of Costa Rica. I went there as part of my assistantship at grad school. My supervisor and I were part of a vision teams in hopes to send a mission team out there for the year 2011. Anyways, the rest of the vision are from all over the states and flew to Houston, where I joined in, before making the final arrival to Costa Rica. I was quite hungry when I boarded the plane and I silently prayed that there would be peanuts or crackers served to us. I really wanted the honey roasted ones because when I actually do expect a meal, that’s all I really get in the end. Such harsh reality. Well, as I settled into my seat with ipod and book little did I know that I was about to experience one of the best airplane meals in my life. It was so simple, yet here I am still impressed of the effect it had on me. I was given the option to either have the chicken wrap or some beef sandwich thing. I decided to be bold and choose chicken, plus I love chicken. Along with the chicken wrap the flight attendant handed me a black plastic carton that contained a clear container filled with a salad made with ice berg lettuce, red onions, and shredded carrots. The next item in the black plastic carton was a little “fun size” bag of baby carrots. Now those who know me really well and hang out with me often find me eating a huge bag of baby carrots in one sitting. In other words…I love baby carrots. I prefer them over chips…hands down. I really liked how on the package it said: “No Preservatives. Ready to Eat”…it was reminding you that you can actually eat the carrots…in case you forgot.
The third item in my plastic magical black carton was a “fun size” bag of Brussels cookies that Pepperidge Farm manufactured. These cookies always amazed me because of the packaging is white and I like the color white. The next two items that were in my black neverending carton were a plastic form and Cholula Hot Sauce, which supposedly was imported from Mexico. Since I felt like fighting the stereotype I decided to not use the hotsauce. Ha, eat that stereotypers…just because I look Mexican does not mean I enjoy hot sauce on my ice berg lettuce salad or Brussels cookies.
Since I had all my plastic wrapped food in front of me ready to eat, I decided to eat my ice berg lettuce salad first. I figured I could act a little civilized in a seat thousands of feet in the air. I opened my clear plastic contained and poured on the creamy Italian dressing on the ice berg lettuce and friends. To be honest, I was a little nervous about the meal I was about to experience. Ice berg lettuce does not impress me. It’s the good dark green Romaine lettuce that is my companion in a salad. Along with as many other vegetable such as: tomatoes, cucumbers, red and green bell peppers, carrots, and when I’m adventurous, I throw in some fruit….but I digressed.
After I swallowed down my ice berg lettuce salad, I opened my southwestern chicken wrap. It was warm. I bit into the wrap and became impressed. Who knew that an airplane chicken wrap would be a fiesta in my mouth? My taste buds rejoiced and my tummy did the Hallelujah chorus. “Yum” I thought in my head. I devoured that chicken wrap with help of sips of nice cool airplane water. Next it was the Brussels cookies turn. I opened the awesome white packaging and took one cookie out. “Here we go” I thought. Yes, thank you Pepperidge Farm for manufacturing some divine cookies. Even thought it was “fun size” my sweet tooth was happy. At this point, I was full. I took more gulps of my airplane water and saved my baby carrots. I figured when I needed a little pick me up in Costa Rica, I’ll just whip out these babies out and enjoy. That meal satisfied me and was the highlight of my flight to Costa Rica. Thank you Continental Airlines for giving a 21 year old female hope for airplane food.
…then that hope was shattered on my flight home…I’m still recovering from the meal.
The third item in my plastic magical black carton was a “fun size” bag of Brussels cookies that Pepperidge Farm manufactured. These cookies always amazed me because of the packaging is white and I like the color white. The next two items that were in my black neverending carton were a plastic form and Cholula Hot Sauce, which supposedly was imported from Mexico. Since I felt like fighting the stereotype I decided to not use the hotsauce. Ha, eat that stereotypers…just because I look Mexican does not mean I enjoy hot sauce on my ice berg lettuce salad or Brussels cookies.
Since I had all my plastic wrapped food in front of me ready to eat, I decided to eat my ice berg lettuce salad first. I figured I could act a little civilized in a seat thousands of feet in the air. I opened my clear plastic contained and poured on the creamy Italian dressing on the ice berg lettuce and friends. To be honest, I was a little nervous about the meal I was about to experience. Ice berg lettuce does not impress me. It’s the good dark green Romaine lettuce that is my companion in a salad. Along with as many other vegetable such as: tomatoes, cucumbers, red and green bell peppers, carrots, and when I’m adventurous, I throw in some fruit….but I digressed.
After I swallowed down my ice berg lettuce salad, I opened my southwestern chicken wrap. It was warm. I bit into the wrap and became impressed. Who knew that an airplane chicken wrap would be a fiesta in my mouth? My taste buds rejoiced and my tummy did the Hallelujah chorus. “Yum” I thought in my head. I devoured that chicken wrap with help of sips of nice cool airplane water. Next it was the Brussels cookies turn. I opened the awesome white packaging and took one cookie out. “Here we go” I thought. Yes, thank you Pepperidge Farm for manufacturing some divine cookies. Even thought it was “fun size” my sweet tooth was happy. At this point, I was full. I took more gulps of my airplane water and saved my baby carrots. I figured when I needed a little pick me up in Costa Rica, I’ll just whip out these babies out and enjoy. That meal satisfied me and was the highlight of my flight to Costa Rica. Thank you Continental Airlines for giving a 21 year old female hope for airplane food.
…then that hope was shattered on my flight home…I’m still recovering from the meal.

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