Tonight I can confindently say that I do not understand the male sex at times. I do not understand why they act the way they do. I do not understand why they say the things they say. I do not understand why they are they way they are. What I do understand is that my Creator wired male and female completely different? The hard part is trying to remember when questioning why the male species is acting like a complete fool at that moment. I know the female population is a headache to understand but then's the male species that is having a hard time understanding us. It's just interesting to me of how male and female can miscommunicate with each other.
It's crazy how emotions and feelings can get tied into the whole ordeal. I do appreciate the male sex at times. I have numerous guy friends (hello, I went to LeTourneau) that I thank God for. They are great and I do miss them while I'm here in Indiana. But the guys outside my group of friends are the ones that I have no idea who they are. It's funny how guys say the same thing about girls too. They say that girls are crazy and are full emotions. Well hello but...duh. We are the emotional/relational beings. (If you are a girl and think I'm stereotyping your sex. Wake up darling. You are emotional...embrace it. It's part of womanhood.) I'm tired of hearing both sex complaining about each other and the miscommunication that happens. I'm losing hope that one day there may be peace on earth between the battle of the sexes. Call me an idealist but I think if both parties actually try a little bit there actually can be peace on earth.

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