I have decided that I will metality start collecting songs that will be on my life soundtrack. I should state that when I do post a "life song" that it's in no particular order. Sometimes they would just pop into my head or I would hear one randomly on Pandora.com. (Oh, how I love Pandora.com...you are my contast companion through the late nights of grad school)
So this is a song. It's called Comtine d'un Autre ete (It's french). It's composed by Yann Tiersen (a french dude). I heard this song randomly on one of my friends photo slideshow she was showing to me and I loved it. Then I completely forgot about it till I saw the amazing movie Amelie (a french movie about a french girl. It's a great movie because it shows her character development. Also, it's so french, which is different from the American culture...which I like. The only problem I have is that I don't believe in love a first sight but other than that it's great. Definetly one of my top ten.) This song is off the song track and I flipped out when I heard it. It's all instrumental but it's so calming but intense at the same time.
So here it is.....Enjoy:

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