Before I begin, I would like to say a very warm and exciting FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS to the Papa Lima!
I would like to apologize for my lack of writing these past couple months. As most of you know or some, depending on who I am speaking to, after my return from Ecuador I spent the rest of the summer at home in Texas. Now I am back at my currently "home" in Indiana for my last year of grad school (can I get a "what-what"?). It's funny, I consider myself as a flexible person that is "use" to all this moving around/cultural changes. I even received Adaptablity as one of my top three Strengths from StrengthsQuest.
According to StrengthsQuest, Adaptablity is defined as someone who "lives in the moment". The future does not really have a set plan and it's affected by the choices being made in the present. At the same time, the person does has a plan but he or she are flexible to what life throws at them. The individual has a "go with the flow" kind of attitude and mindset. Whenever there is a sudden change in plans or "detours", the person takes it more of a challenge and takes it head on. Even when the work/project/event/etc. is pulling the person "in many different directions at once", he or she can stay productive and focused. (quotes and information taken from StrengthsQuest)
So pretty much...that's me in a nutshell.
When I was younger, my adaptability was more of a defense mechanism, but now I'm embracing it as my strength (seeing it in a positive view). I thank God for my adaptability skills. I am able to help myself through reverse culture shock or when life gets hard, but my students as well. Life happens. No one is excluded from it.
But even though I thrive in transition times and I always "move around", I'm still human and need to take time to regain my composure. Sure, I may snap back faster and easier than the average person. The point that I'm trying to make is that throughout my whole life there is always something going on. When I am not careful with this strength, my weakness overcomes the situation and then I am easily defeated. I have to admit that sometimes and recently that has happened to me. I get so caught up in recent life events that I let my guard (or in this sense not use my strength) and Satan comes in with lies.
But even though I thrive in transition times and I always "move around", I'm still human and need to take time to regain my composure. Sure, I may snap back faster and easier than the average person. The point that I'm trying to make is that throughout my whole life there is always something going on. When I am not careful with this strength, my weakness overcomes the situation and then I am easily defeated. I have to admit that sometimes and recently that has happened to me. I get so caught up in recent life events that I let my guard (or in this sense not use my strength) and Satan comes in with lies.
I could go on and on about how Satan took advantage of another "transition" time, but I want to emphasis more of God's glory through this time. Even in the late night struggles, God provides truth and people who speak truth.
Yes, the whole "Prayer is powerful" thing is true, but not the little nice prayer with your hands all folded and a halo above your head. The prayer of being on your knees, shouting what's on your heart and literally surrendering all you have (crying may occur).
"Prayer warriors" may be a word that we, Christians, made up, but it's something that I never want to take for granted. I had people praying up a storm for me.
God's word is something that us, North American Christians, take for granted. We have so many resources and different versions of it. In the dark of the night, when Satan comes...the Word is such a powerful weapon. When spoken out loud, it cuts the lies in half, throws them away and gives an after taste of truth and peace.
Now I don't want you to get an idea that I was this poor broken soul that didn't eat or sleep for three days. However, I went through another transition that required for me to give up my strength. I had to rely on God's strength through it all. I was given Adaptability for a reason, but it is God who has the greatest Strength of all. Shoot, He was the one that gave it to me.
I'll be honest and admit that I'm looking forward to the next "transition" or "detour" or "relocation". Bring it on. But my adaptability strength cannot come from must come from the One who created the heavens and the universe.
So on that note: I'm getting back to my bloggin days. I promise I won't post another youtube video for the next five post (Disclaimer: if something super uber interesting pops up on my radar...well, I just can't help myself). Hopefully, I will gain readers in the next year.
Here's to a new transition, another/last year of grad school, gaining/building friendships, growing more like Christ....and losing 20 lbs ;)
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