Monday, October 19, 2009

Life song

Here is my next song on my life soundtrack. It's just a good song. I guess you can put Christianity into the song if you really want to. I enjoy it because it has the acoustic in the beginning and then comes the hard rock later on. The lyrics are great as well. Everyone needs a guardian angel.

Red Jumpsuit Apparatus-Your Guardian Angel:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

No Reason

I just submitted my first research graduate paper...I think I stressed out more this past week than I did when I was an undergrad. I feel accomplished.

Why is education so important? Why are we willing to pay thousands of dollars to further our education? To get a better degree? Or for character development? A better worldview? Does our family influence our decision?...just some questions.

Right now I just would like to take the time to voice how thankful I am for the privledge to get an education. I love what I'm learning. I'm applying it everyday. I see the theories being lived out by my students. I understand how hisotry and foundations provide a basis for a deeper understanding.

I'll admit I do complain when the paper I am writing takes over my life. I do wish I get more sleep. I do not like receiving a good grade. The bottom line: I complain about school. I'm a graduate student that is studying higher education and I complain about school. Ironic. This Monday I was feeling a little bit overwhelmed. I posted on my Facebook status: "Melissa Lima will survive this week by the grace and strength of God." Several people commented with encouragement and positive comments. Then a very good friend of mine who is not afraid to bust out the truth wrote this: "Rejoice on every new morning that God has decided give you!" Then he proceed to express how much I rock. But that simple phrase was enough to change my attitude. I should be praising my God that I am in grad school.So what I got 3 hours of sleep last night. So what if I did not get the grade I wanted. So what that I have to spend my friend night researching about the statistics of first generation students. So what that my daily diet consists of cereal and sandwhichs that I eat in 5 minutes. Every day is the day that the Lord has made. Throughout the United States and the World millions of people do not have the opportunities that I have at Taylor Univerisity.

I have no reason to complain about a paper. I do have a reason to praise the Lord, my Savior.

Monday, October 12, 2009

life soundtrack

I have decided that I will metality start collecting songs that will be on my life soundtrack. I should state that when I do post a "life song" that it's in no particular order. Sometimes they would just pop into my head or I would hear one randomly on (Oh, how I love are my contast companion through the late nights of grad school)

So this is a song. It's called Comtine d'un Autre ete (It's french). It's composed by Yann Tiersen (a french dude). I heard this song randomly on one of my friends photo slideshow she was showing to me and I loved it. Then I completely forgot about it till I saw the amazing movie Amelie (a french movie about a french girl. It's a great movie because it shows her character development. Also, it's so french, which is different from the American culture...which I like. The only problem I have is that I don't believe in love a first sight but other than that it's great. Definetly one of my top ten.) This song is off the song track and I flipped out when I heard it. It's all instrumental but it's so calming but intense at the same time.

So here it is.....Enjoy:

Sunday, October 11, 2009