Saturday, June 27, 2009

i made a necklace

Tonight I made a necklace. I was looking through my nightstand and stumbled upon some beads, pretty string and hemp. “hmmmm…”, I thought to myself. Next thing I knew I was making a creation that I call a necklace and four hours later I come out satisfied. Now as you just read those last couple of sentences, you may think to yourself…this girl is nuts. She stayed up to 2am making a necklace that she considers a masterpiece. Well, let me tell you my friend…I wasn’t just making a necklace…I was thinking. Yes, I think. As we have already established before, I have the tendency to think. I was actually going through the past week that I experienced. I was thinking of how much God’s hand was over these past couple of days. As I was tying the string and sorting through the beads, I laughed to myself the silly mistakes I made in front of numerous people. And as I looked at my final product, I remember how God changed my plans to protect me and bring new people into my life.

This Wednesday I was supposed to drive three hours from Houston to Corpus Cristi to spend a couple of days on the beach with a really good friend of mine. Some of you may know that my car has been acting up like crazy this summer, and my family has spent way too much money on the darn thing to be fixed. Anyways, the day before I was supposed to leave I just felt something holding me back. I really couldn’t put my finger on it until my dad mentioned his concern for my poor little car. I agreed with him and cancelled my plans. I was bummed but I knew I just had to stay home, which compared to the beach was something I did not look forwarded to. Fast forward to Wednesday night…I got invited to hang out at some dude’s house after church. I figured that I should hang out with people my age that loves Jesus. On the way there I noticed my A/C was not as cool as before. “Hmmmm…” I thought to myself. (I tend to do that a lot.) Of course, I shrugged it off as no big deal. Then I noticed something a little different about my car whenever I stopped at a stop sign or stop light; it felt shaky and weak. Sounds like way to describe a human feeling…but it’s the best I could come up with. Well, we finally arrived at the dude’s house and right when I stepped out of my car I noticed smoke coming from my hood. “Oh crap…” I said out loud. My car overheated. Great. Yes, I was freaking out because I do not know a thing about cars. The people who I was with were such a blessing. The guys that were there reassured me that it will be ok. So I called my dad who came out and confirmed that my car overheated. Turned out that some water house was super old and cracked which created a hole. Bummer.

Now my car is ok. There is a point of that whole story. Even though it was just a minor thing…it was major to me. I’m so glad that happened at someone’s house that was 10 minutes from mine and not on the road to Corpus Cristi. I knew that it was the Holy Spirit that told me to stay. I knew that little voice in my head was my common sense to listen to the Holy Spirit. In that little incident, I was reminded of so many life lessons that I easily forget in my crazy life. God is my protector. God is in complete control of my life. God loves me and will always take care of me. From car trouble to Grad school to money issue; I have a Savior who is my King.

I praised Jesus that night and the next day and the next day and the next day…

So I made a necklace tonight. While stringing on the beads I thought about my summer plans of traveling, visiting with friends, spending time with family, and getting ready for grad school. Then I smiled knowing that it could all change in one split second for the glory of the Lord.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

reasons for late nights

I don’t know what it is about late nights, but I find it’s the only time of day where I can freely write about anything and everything. Maybe my brain is shutting down slowly and my defenses are down, therefore, leaving me to freely express whatever I have been pondering over the past 24 hours. I have been told numerous times that I think too much, which could explain my insomniac nights. I may think too much that at the end of day my brain just can not hold it in anymore and needs to let some of it out before I drive myself insane. It may be that I have always been a night person but then again I like the sun, so that can not be it. It may be that it’s those late nights when everyone else is asleep and I actually have time to myself that I can write. Usually I am listening to some good music and drinking some beverage, which usually it’s water..even though it makes me pee every ten freaking minutes. Whatever the case may be, it’s late at night that I find myself scribbling in my journal about the events of the day with my own commentary on the side. It’s in these late nights that I also find myself facing some hard questions in life and writing out all of these questions with a question mark at the end. These late nights that I write I have a chance to really explore who I truly am. I am able to learn the hard lessons that I need to accept. I am able to praise my savior for all the mighty things he has done in my life. I am able to express my concern and care for humanity. I am able to humor myself with some wise cracks I think throughout the day. In these late nights I explore the person that I am and embrace the changes in my life. I sometimes find myself opening my Bible to a Scripture or two. I write out a prayer for my hard issue or a loved one that needs hope or encouragement. In these late night writings, I vent out all the frustrations of my undergraduate life and now my new graduate life. They are real and personal. I seek my God out. I find meaning and purpose. I discover love and hope. I experience compassion and mercy. I express concern and gratitude. I embrace failure and success.

So tonight…I write. I write about everything and anything…because I can.