Thank you, Mondays, for always being my least favorite day of the week.
You provide an opportunity for me to overcome the habit of being grumpy and cranky.
Thank you, 10 page papers, for being due at the same time.
You have pushed my thesis timeline back, but I’m learning the word flexibility.
Thank you, 2 hour Sunday soccer game, for making me run like the wind and getting kicked in the shins. I feel like a grandma, but I think we can dominate our intramural soccer game today.
Thank you, Howard, for being a super sweet vintage cruiser bike.
Since my water pump in my car died, I get to ride you to and around campus while looking like a hipster.

Thank you, LASP, for providing such an amazing study abroad experience. Not only do you serve as my main motivation for my thesis, but you remind me every day that’s its ok to not have all the answers in the world.
Thank you, ipod, for ditching me.
Ever since I lost you, I have faced my fear of silence, but also branched out to new music.
Thank you, blog, for being a creative outlet for me.
You are way cheaper than paint and canvas.
Thank you, future job, for being a dream come true.
Even though I have no idea what you are, I can’t wait to live in a city where I get to serve students and be committed to their education.
Thank you, International Service-Learning conference, for being this weekend.
I have looked forward to you all semester.You are providing me a chance to hang out in Indy, and you also feed into my addiction of community service and learning.
Nerd alert.
Even when I say a bad word or tell you my corny jokes, you still love me for who I am.
You know who you are.
Thank you, Holy Spirit, for giving me the right words to say.
You fascinate me with your quick delivery.
Thank you, Marcel, for being a shell with shoes on.
You just gave me another reason to put another youtube video on my blog. By the way, I quote you like there is no tomorrow.
OH. MY. WORD. I have never seen these Marcel short films, but they are hilarious!!!