What did I learn today?
There are exactly 32 NFL teams and I named 20 of them off the top of my head. How embarrassing. I call myself an avid NFL watcher and I only got half the teams. Papa Lima would've been dissapointed.The worst part is that some of the teams I missed are so easy. I couldn’t believe it. Oh well...
For those are you who are interested, here are the 20 I remembered (no particular order):
1) Patriots
2) Steelers
3) Bears
4) Texans
5) Cowboys
6) 49’ers
7) Ravens
8) Packers
9) Raiders
10) Dolphins
11) Bengals
12) Broncos
13) Vikings
14) Jaguars
15) Lions
16) Colts
17) Giants
18) Jets
19) Seahawks
20) Titans
Here are the ones I missed (Again, no particular order):
1) Falcons
2) Bills
3) Chiefs
4) Saints
5) Eagles
6) Rams
7) Buccaneers
8) Redskins
9) Pathers
10) Cardinals
11) Browns
12) Chargers
Bottom line: I learned that there are 32 NFL and I knew about 20 of them. Follow-up questions: How many Bible verses do I know? How many of my family member’s birthdays do I remember? How many hymns do I remember? How many answered prayers in my life do I remember?
Funny…the things we remember.
That’s what I learned today.
Which NFL teams are your favorite?
ps~*ten awesome gold stars* for NFL this Sunday for supporting Breast Cancer Awareness month (picture taken from here)
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