Thank you, trees, for producing such pretty colors on your leaves.
You make me want to shimmy and shake my booty.
Thank you, savings account, for letting me get my ticket to Texas for Thanksgiving.
That week is going to be...off. the. chain. *fist pump in the air*
Thank you, cell phone, for making a freaking annoying sound in the morning to wake me up.
You make me want to throw you across the room.
Thank you, Mama Lima, for being the bomb-dot-com and loving me for who I am.
You are not afraid to be real with me. You also don't take my crap.
Thank you, cohort, for walking alongside of me during this time called grad school.
Let's rock this trash.
Thank you, BFF, for letting me text you my corny jokes late at night.
It comforts me to know someone in Texas thinks I'm crazy.
Thank you, gospel choir, for singing your heart out at chapel.
You fill my soul with joy and grant me the liberty to dance for Jesus.
Thank you, New England, for being the location of my childhood.
You shaped my worldview and my love for the Patriots.
Thank you, Starbucks, for bringing back the pumpkin spice latte.
I'm well on my way on taking comfort in rituals.
Thank you, Today's Letters, for inspiration.
Thank you, assistantship, for letting me learn how to be a professional.
It's here where my love for community service and education are combined.
*ten awesome gold stars*
What are you thankful for?
Thank you, New England, for being the location of my childhood.
You shaped my worldview and my love for the Patriots.
Thank you, Starbucks, for bringing back the pumpkin spice latte.
I'm well on my way on taking comfort in rituals.
Thank you, Today's Letters, for inspiration.
Thank you, assistantship, for letting me learn how to be a professional.
It's here where my love for community service and education are combined.
*ten awesome gold stars*
What are you thankful for?
jajaja, te estás viendo a ti misma en esta foto! estás mirando a tu foto de perfil, that's cool!