What did I learn today?
“The real issue here is not if pride exists in your heart; it’s where pride exists and how pride is being expressed in your life. Scripture shows us that pride is strongly and dangerously rooted in all our lives, far more than most of us care to admit or even think about.”
The first step that we must take towards achieving humility (which I honestly think will be a lifelong process) is admitting the pride that we have in our lives. Most importantly, we must continually examine my life and evaluate where pride has taken over. It’s important for us to admit that pride is an everyday occurrence for us humans. For the past week, I have been mulling over the last part of the above quote. Granted, I know that there will be times that I have no idea that I’m being prideful, but that does not justify that it’s ok. I must be consciously
“He’s merciful in this act of revealing this sin to our hearts and in identifying its seriousness and potential consequences. He is merciful, and He intends to protect us. So throughout His Word, God exposes pride as our greatest enemy.”
~ C.J. Mahaney, Humility: True Greatness (pg. 35)
I don’t want to end this entry on a sad note about pride. I hope to spark some challenge in you, readers, just as I continue to challenge myself. Seek out where pride plays into your life. Find those weaknesses.
Explore. Evaluate.
That's what I learned today.
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