Saturday, September 11, 2010

Learn: What are You Dependent On?

What did I learn today?

Something that I have been pondering about lately has come up in my radar in the last 24 hours. As I have been challenged to be open minded about learning in a different forms, I have been more reflective in my choices and actions. One thing that I have been looking (not literally) is my dependencies.

What am I dependent on? Meaning, what do I rely on to receive satisfaction, pleasure, contentment, acceptance or peace? Follow up question: Are the things/people/ whatever-it-is healthy to my life? Better yet, are they glorifying God?

Those are some hard questions to answer, but ones that I cannot ignore. In the past 24 hours (while working on my thesis, other life’s responsibilities and daily chores), I have been making a mental note on what I am dependent on.

This is what I learned that I am dependent on:

• Caffeine—every morning I must have coffee. If not, by noon a massive headache comes around, which leads to me curling up on my couch and wishing I could chop my head off.

• Food—of course, God made me this way. But what kind of food? Yes, that’s a hard question.

• Music—somehow I can’t stand it when there is no noise in the background. I must have music playing or the TV on. The problem with all the constant noise going on, I can’t give myself time to think.

• Water—*Ten awesome gold stars for me*

• Cell phone—Do I really need to be checking every 5 minutes if someone texted or call me? Yes, when I’m sending students out on a community service project. No, if it’s a response to a joke I texted my bff back in Texas.

• Email—Same question as above. Similar answers above.

• Sweets—This includes: cake, hard candy, chocolate, cookies, and etc. Horrible to my teeth and health. It’s tragic for my growing waste line and double chin, and also explains why my jeans are cutting my circulation off.

• Shower—I have great hygiene habits.

• Social media—it’s to a point of a distraction and a great way of getting my daily fill of gossip.
The problem that I find about looking at this list is that I don’t see prayer, Scripture, worship, or meditation. I’ll confess that the last time I did any of those things were a week ago (insert lighting strike here).

It’s kind of eye opening to see what things you are dependent on. Then to evaluate them is a different level. For me, I learned that I must be cautious and intentional on what I should be dependent on. It’s changes your life outcome.

That’s what I learned today.

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